SRD Story
SRD Charity timeline (mostly rebuilt)
SRD has a good history of rethinking, responsibility and positive action since formed in 1989
SRD shows that while Design makes Value, Responsible Design creates Sustainable Value.
2023 SRD International conference paper. Revise the SDGs to help create the ‘Responsible Living Economy’, and in doing so, help save the Biosphere.
Read the complementary 2021 ISDRS paper showing how “Responsible Design is the Apex Design Mode to create our sustainable future”
SRD is looking for your support. /Give Now or join or volunteer to support this growth.
2021 Other recent projects included a global survey on sustainability across all design, Your input was welcomed.
2020 continuing quarterly newsletters, zoom webinars and meetings, developing web resources.
4.2020 SRD current activity summary PDF 4.2020
2019 SRD Pro Active Top 25% initiative shows great examples of #ResponsibleDesign 2016 onwards. As supporters.
2016 – 2018 foundation advisors, Canberra & International conference co-hosts and assistants with Young Australians’ and the Young Persons’ Plan for the planet program. (may be offline)
2004 – 2011 A legacy of eight consecutive years of ChangeX / SRD Change : graduate sustainable design exhibitions culminating in the SRD Change National event series…
2005 Print for Environment & Print Guide online at the Australian Museum in Sydney
2004 DesignOz / SRD / AGDA launched REAP Eco Paper guide for Au + NZ online
2003 SRD + EDF merged and exhibited with related names including SRD, ChangeX and Change Design
1999 SRD were the principal designers for the original trendsetting EcoSpecifier, growing for over 20 years and now in its new global incarnation (not Specifier Aust.) … and since merged with globalgreentag
1998 SRD members were some of the earliest committee directors for the Bower repair & recycling centre, still growing in Sydney.
1995 SRD presented the first Aussie festival of Sustainable Living with M.A.D.E. accountable exhibition in Sydney (forerunner of similar later incarnations)
1991– 2003. Simultaneously, EDF (the EcoDesign Foundation) created many publications, tertiary level courses, exhibitions & projects still relevant today… EDF archive (now offline)
1989 SRD formed (the year the internet began in Australia) by designers, academics & practitioners. Featuring talks, exhibitions, seminars, publications and education for sustainability through design.
SRD has a good history of considered design, responsibility and positive action. SRD originally formed in 1989
Effective Date: [ 16/01/2024 ]
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